
Wednesday 10 August 2016

Zumba in the hall

Room 7 had Zumba in the hall.We had to find a partner and Miss Stone played a Music from one of Beyoncey's Song.Mrs Tofa said if we don't do a proper dance then we have to do 20 push ups.So then miss Stone played the Music and then Levi G,Taki,Lio and Miami had to do Push ups.After that a knew girl arrived but we kept on Dancing.At the end we all felt tired and then we had to sit down.

I felt tired because their was too much dancing.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Volleyball Session

Room 7 Students had their first session of volleyball.We had a coach named Toni and she came to Glenbrae School to teach us how to play volleyball.When we got there we had to gather around so we can start.

Our first skill was Dig - Dig and if you are right handed then you have to put your right hand over your left hand and then put your two thumbs on it.Next we learnt how to Set  which means that 2 of your hands go up and then you get a ball and try to make a circle around the ball.Then our last skill was how to Spike so you run starting with your left, then your right,land with both feet,jump and spike down or up.

Finally we played a game of volleyball.Toni numberd us of 1,2,3,4 and then team 1 vs team 3 and team 2 vs team 4.Group 3 and 4 won.

I felt great because I learnt skills that I never new before.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Current Event Quiz

Kakapo Group had been researching on Current Event's.On the Current Event Quiz it has given us 15 questions to answer.My favourite Quiz is: What is the name of the ONE News Political Editor that has won the supreme Journalism awards at the NZ China Council Media awards ? A music Video featuring kiwi dancer Paris Goebel and her team has been nominated for best video at MTV's Video Music Awards.Who's song is the music video for? Can You answer it Please??

1 Quiz.
A)Paul Henry
B)Corin Dann
C)Pippa Wetzell

2 Quiz.
A)Justin Bieber
B)Justin Timberlake
C)J Lo

If you get the answer right than you get a prize ????
Here is a Link where you want to do some: