1. When was Nelson Mandela born?July 18, 1918
2. Where was Nelson Mandela born?Eastern coast of Africa in Mvezo
3. Name the organisation he stated as a young adult?He became an activist with the African National Congress.
4. When did Nelson Mandela lead the Defiance campaign?His campaigning soon hit a brick wall in 1956.
5. When was Nelson Mandela arrested and put in jail?He was arrested 5 of August 1926.
6. Where was the jail?Robben Island
7. How long was Nelson Mandela in prison for?27 years
8. What was Nelson Mandela awarded with ?He got more than 260 awards over 40 years and he became the president of South Africa
9. What was that award for?Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for his work to end apartheid
10. When did Nelson Mandela step down as the president of South Africa?On 10 May 1994 he was inaugurated South Africa's first democratically elected President.