
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Kiwi Sport - Touch

Today Room 7 had their second session of touch as our Kiwi sport, but we got there at 9:05 am.For our warm up, we did drills like passing the ball down and the last person who has the ball they have to run to the other side of the person and keep on passing it down.The last group have to do 10 star jumps or Burpes.

Our first skill was running up to the second to last line and try the ball, so the other 2 person runs with it to the second to last line.Then our second skill is running up and scoop the ball then place the ball on the ground and walk over it.The last skill is running with a person behind you, so when you place the ball on the ground the person behind you have pick up the ball and then pass it.

After that we just had a 5 minute game of passing the ball and if you drop it, you have to run around.Finally we had a game of touch.

I enjoyed this touch lesson because it helped me improve joining other sports.


Danni Stone said...

Hi Angelica. you are very right, the more drills and practice you complete the better player you will become. What is an area you might like to work on during these sessions?

Angelica Fakahau said...

Thank you for the feedback, I would work on how to pass the ball correctly

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