
Friday, 19 May 2017

My Maze Game Relating To Sustainability

In the context of Sustainability I have design and produce a Maze Game for 7 - 10 year old,to be used to a problem that relates to people in the Tamaki Community is vandalism because it makes people’s property untidy.

My game works but the left arrow doesn't, so you will have to hit the red blocks to you can go down and move, then when you touch the aqua colour then a broadcast will show saying you WIN.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Reflection - P.E

Today (Room 7) had P.E for netball.(Mrs Tofa) our teacher had half of the class playing netball and the rest went to (our new Student Teacher) from Auckland University Miss Ogram. We went through the rules so everyone knows, also everyone was participating in the netball game. The position were GS,GA,WA,WD,GD,C so there is only seven player.

When I was playing, my position was GD,GK,GS.Every game was 6 minute cause we didn't have that much time.From this lesson I learned every rule which was pretty amazing and awesome, by the way I was so exhausted.


  • No Contact's( 3 foot away from the person who has the ball)
  • No offside's
  • No shot passes
  • You can't slap the ball of the opponent(Punch the ball, or snatch it off
  • No passing the ball from the court to the other side of the court
We had a reflection on what we had learnt and more....
Image result for netball

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


Today I have been teached by one of the media team students. I had to insert some shapes to my table to make it look so special. Then I had to colour and name the shapes etc. Even name how many sides does it have and the points. Above down here is the link where you can visit what we have created and Make sure to comment down below

Here is the link:

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Pet - Chihuahua

Today I had to choose a dog as a pet even though you don't have one but my pet is a Chihuahua.Chihuahua is a kind of dog from Mexico and there is a movie called Beverly Hills Chihuahua. You will learn some facts about them. Here is my presentation.